Student Blogging Challenge: It’s a Small World

*from an ants perspective*

Huge, thin trees cover the land. The say the trees cover the whole world. The huge green trees that rise ominously over us. No one has ever dared climb the trees. The nurturers teach us, as young, that beyond the trees lies a creature. Big and dark. And that if he sees you, he releases oceans and oceans of cold clear venom that wipes out everything it touches. It would destroy The Hive in one terrible sweep. So we stay on the ground. Feed the old, nurture the young, and protect the queen. And silently wonder. Like the generations before us.

But if you had a chance, to see a whole world never seen by anyone, wouldn’t u want just a glimpse? So everyday I wander from The Hive. And I find the tallest tree in the forest, and I slowly creep up the stalk. My breathing slows as I climb. My legs prickle at the coolness of the wind. And everyday I climb a little farther. And everyday my curiosity heightens. But as I reach the top, I see how wrong we were. The world is so much bigger than the trees, the ground, and The Hive. In fact I can see four more Hives just a little ways away.

Then I see it, the Hive of the monster rises before me. It’s big and strange. I know I should be hiding but the smell coming from it is too satisfying. I don’t see any warriors guarding the entrance. Maybe just a peek. I’d scurry in and out before the monster could see me. He wouldn’t have time find his poison before I’m gone. So I reached my legs out to the crack in the wall and stumbled in.


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