The Mouse with the Blue Rimmed Hat

There once was a mouse, with a blue-rimmed hat, who lived in a hole under the door mat. And in that hole he sat and sat. And when he sat, under that mat, he gave a tap to his blue rimmed hat. “Oh, I’m an old mouse now I am, I am. I’m an old mouse now I am. And I’ve had this hat for a very long time, a very long time indeed. It’s old, and it’s dirty, and I could use a new one. Oh, why don’t I go have some fun!” And with that, the little mouse tore off his hat, lifted up the garbage tin, and then he threw the old hat in.

Now the little mouse strolled down the street, looking for somewhere real neat. Somewhere where he could buy his brand-new-hat. “I know where I can start, I can start at Bart’s Hat Mart.” So on he went to buy his hat, from a rat, who’s name is Bart. Bart showed him a hat that could bark like a dog, one that could laugh, and one that jog. “What kind of hat knows how to jog?!?!?!?” The little mouse squeaked, “I’ve been bit by a hat, chased by hat, don’t you just have a nice new-rimmed hat?” But no one had wanted a rimmed hat for years. “People like hats that can whistle, hats that can cheer.” Bart had nothing more to offer, so off the mouse went, and this time didn’t bother to saunter. The skip in his step, was skipping no longer.

“I guess it’s time I go home empty handed”, the little mouse thought, yet he could no longer stand it. “I shouldn’t have thrown my old hat away…I loved it right then and I love it today…oh, why did I ever throw it away!?!?! I should have been grateful, that hat practically raised me, but now it is gone and my head is all lonely.” And then as he creaked the door open slowly, “MY HAT!!!”, the mouse cried “My hat why it’s found me!”

And if you were wondering, that mouse is quite happy, the skip in his step is again very snappy, and the truth is he he forgot to close his trash can that day and the hat popped right out and waited to stay. But of course the mouse will never know all the facts, because his hat doesn’t talk and he likes it like that. He likes that it’s old, that he could use a new one, that his love for his hat is always a true one. Because he has always been the mouse with blue rimmed hat. And nothing will change that not even the rat.

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